Vocabulary : Mismanagement to Misnomer
Mismanagement : Wrong or bad management; as, he failed through mismagement.
Mismanager : One who manages ill.
Mismark : To mark wrongly.
Mismatch : To match unsuitably.
Mismate : To mate wrongly or unsuitably; as, to mismate gloves or shoes; a mismated couple.
Mismeasure : To measure or estimate incorrectly.
Mismeasurement : Wrong measurement.
Mismeter : To give the wrong meter to, as to a line of verse.
Misname : To call by the wrong name; to give a wrong or inappropriate name to.
Misnomer : The misnaming of a person in a legal instrument, as in a complaint or indictment; any misnaming of a person or thing; a wrong or inapplicable name or title. ;; To misname.
: Misnumber, Misnurture, Misobedience, Misobserve, Misobserver, Misogamist, Misogamy, Misogynist, Misogynous, Misogyny
: Misliked, Misliker, Misliking, Mislin, Misling, Mislive, Mislodge, Misluck, Misly, Mismanage
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary