Vocabulary : Misproceeding to Misquotation
Misproceeding : Wrong or irregular proceding.
Misprofess : To make a false profession; to make pretensions to skill which is not possessed. ;; To make a false profession of.
Mispronounce : To pronounce incorrectly.
Mispronounced : of Mispronounce
Mispronouncing : of Mispronounce
Mispronunciation : Wrong or improper pronunciation.
Misproportion : To give wrong proportions to; to join without due proportion.
Misproud : Viciously proud.
Mispunctuate : To punctuate wrongly or incorrectly.
Misquotation : Erroneous or inaccurate quotation.
: Misquote, Misraise, Misrate, Misread, Misreading, Misreceive, Misrecital, Misrecite, Misreckon, Misreckoning
: Misplead, Mispleading, Mispoint, Mispolicy, Mispractice, Mispraise, Misprint, Misprise, Misprision, Misprize
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary