Vocabulary : Missile to Missit

Missile : Capable of being thrown; adapted for hurling or to be projected from the hand, or from any instrument or rngine, so as to strike an object at a distance. ;; A weapon thrown or projected or intended to be projcted, as a lance, an arrow, or a bullet.
Missing : of Miss ;; Absent from the place where it was expected to be found; lost; wanting; not present when called or looked for.
Missingly : With a sense of loss.
Mission : The act of sending, or the state of being sent; a being sent or delegated by authority, with certain powers for transacting business; comission. ;; That with which a messenger or agent is charged; an errand; business or duty on which one is sent; a commission. ;; Persons sent; any number of persons appointed to perform any service; a delegation; an embassy. ;; An assotiation or organization of missionaries; a station or residence of missionaries. ;; An organization for worship and work, dependent on one or more churches. ;; A course of extraordinary sermons and services at a particular place and time for the special purpose of quickening the faith and zeal participants, and of converting unbelievers. ;; Dismission; discharge from service. ;; To send on a mission.
Missionaries : of Missionary
Missionary : One who is sent on a mission; especially, one sent to propagate religion. ;; Of or pertaining to missions; as, a missionary meeting; a missionary fund.
Missioner : A missionary; an envoy; one who conducts a mission. See Mission, n., 6.
Missis : A mistress; a wife; -- so used by the illiterate.
Missish : Like a miss; prim; affected; sentimental.
Missit : To sit badly or imperfectly upon; to misbecome.
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