Vocabulary : Miswear to Misy
Miswear : To wear ill.
Miswed : To wed improperly.
Misween : To ween amiss; to misjudge; to distrust; to be mistaken.
Miswend : To go wrong; to go astray.
Misword : To word wrongly; as, to misword a message, or a sentence. ;; A word wrongly spoken; a cross word.
Misworship : Wrong or false worship; mistaken practices in religion. ;; To worship wrongly.
Misworshiper : One who worships wrongly.
Miswrite : To write incorrectly.
Miswrought : Badly wrought.
Misy : An impure yellow sulphate of iron; yellow copperas or copiapite.
: Misyoke, Miszealous, Mite, Miter, Mitered, Mitering, Miterwort, Mithgarthr, Mithic, Mithras
: Misunderstood, Misurato, Misusage, Misuse, Misusement, Misuser, Misvalue, Misvouch, Miswander, Misway
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary