Vocabulary : Mixing to Mizmaze

Mixing : of Mix
Mixogamous : Pairing with several males; -- said of certain fishes of which several males accompany each female during spawning.
Mixolydian mode : The seventh ecclesiastical mode, whose scale commences on G.
Mixt : of Mix
Mixtilineal : Alt. of Mixtilinear
Mixtilinear : Containing, or consisting of, lines of different kinds, as straight, curved, and the like; as, a mixtilinear angle, that is, an angle contained by a straight line and a curve.
Mixtion : Mixture. ;; A kind of cement made of mastic, amber, etc., used as a mordant for gold leaf.
Mixtly : With mixture; in a mixed manner; mixedly.
Mixture : The act of mixing, or the state of being mixed; as, made by a mixture of ingredients. ;; That which results from mixing different ingredients together; a compound; as, to drink a mixture of molasses and water; -- also, a medley. ;; An ingredient entering into a mixed mass; an additional ingredient. ;; A kind of liquid medicine made up of many ingredients; esp., as opposed to solution, a liquid preparation in which the solid ingredients are not completely dissolved. ;; A mass of two or more ingredients, the particles of which are separable, independent, and uncompounded with each other, no matter how thoroughly and finely commingled; -- contrasted with a compound; thus, gunpowder is a mechanical mixture of carbon, sulphur, and niter. ;; An organ stop, comprising from two to five ranges of pipes, used only in combination with the foundation and compound stops; -- called also furniture stop. It consists of high harmonics, or overtones, of the ground tone.
Mizmaze : A maze or labyrinth.
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