Vocabulary : Moggan to Mohammedan year

Moggan : A closely fitting knit sleeve; also, a legging of knitted material.
Mogged : of Mog
Mogging : of Mog
Mogul : A person of the Mongolian race. ;; A heavy locomotive for freight traffic, having three pairs of connected driving wheels and a two-wheeled truck. ;; A great personage; magnate; autocrat.
Moha : A kind of millet (Setaria Italica); German millet.
Mohair : The long silky hair or wool of the Angora goat of Asia Minor; also, a fabric made from this material, or an imitation of such fabric.
Mohammedan : Of or pertaining to Mohammed, or the religion and institutions founded by Mohammed. ;; A follower of Mohammed, the founder of Islamism; one who professes Mohammedanism or Islamism.
Mohammedan calendar : A lunar calendar reckoning from the year of the hegira, 622 a. d. Thirty of its years constitute a cycle, of which the 2d, 5th, 7th, 10th, 13th, 16th, 18th, 21st, 24th, 26th, and 29th are leap years, having 355 days; the others are common, having 354 days.
Mohammedan Era : The era in use in Mohammedan countries. See Mohammedan year, below.
Mohammedan year : The year used by Mohammedans, consisting of twelve lunar months without intercalation, so that they retrograde through all the seasons in about 32/ years. The Mohammedan era begins with the year 622 a.d., the first day of the Mohammedan year 1332 begin Nov. 30, 1913, acording to the Gregorian calendar.
Next : Mohammedanism, Mohammedanize, Mohammedism, Mohammedize, Mohawk, Mohicans, Moho, Mohock, Moholi, Mohr
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