Vocabulary : Molebut to Molehill
Molebut : The sunfish (Orthagoriscus, or Mola).
Molecast : A little elevation of earth made by a mole; a molehill.
Molech : The fire god of the Ammonites, to whom human sacrifices were offered; Moloch.
Molecular : Pertaining to, connected with, produced by, or consisting of, molecules; as, molecular forces; molecular groups of atoms, etc.
Molecularity : The state of consisting of molecules; the state or quality of being molecular.
Molecularly : With molecules; in the manner of molecules.
Molecule : One of the very small invisible particles of which all matter is supposed to consist. ;; The smallest part of any substance which possesses the characteristic properties and qualities of that substance, and which can exist alone in a free state. ;; A group of atoms so united and combined by chemical affinity that they form a complete, integrated whole, being the smallest portion of any particular compound that can exist in a free state; as, a molecule of water consists of two atoms of hydrogen and one of oxygen. Cf. Atom.
Moled : of Mole
Mole-eyed : Having eyes like those of the mole; having imperfect sight.
Molehill : A little hillock of earth thrown up by moles working under ground; hence, a very small hill, or an insignificant obstacle or difficulty.
: Molendinaceous, Molendinarious, Moleskin, Molest, Molestation, Molested, Molester, Molestful, Molestie, Molesting
: Molded, Molder, Moldered, Moldering, Moldery, Moldiness, Molding, Moldwarp, Moldy, Mole
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary