Vocabulary : Mollinet to Molluscoidea

Mollinet : A little mill.
Mollipilose : Having soft hairs; downy.
Mollities : Unnatural softness of any organ or part.
Mollitude : Softness; effeminacy; weakness.
Mollusc : Same as Mollusk.
Mollusca : One of the grand divisions of the animal kingdom, including the classes Cephalopoda, Gastropoda, PteropodaScaphopoda, and Lamellibranchiata, or Conchifera. These animals have an unsegmented bilateral body, with most of the organs and parts paired, but not repeated longitudinally. Most of them develop a mantle, which incloses either a branchial or a pulmonary cavity. They are generally more or less covered and protected by a calcareous shell, which may be univalve, bivalve, or multivalve.
Molluscan : Of or pertaining to mollusks. ;; A mollusk; one of the Mollusca.
Molluscoid : Resembling the true mollusks; belonging to the Molluscoidea. ;; One of the Molluscoidea.
Molluscoidal : Molluscoid.
Molluscoidea : A division of Invertebrata which includes the classes Brachiopoda and Bryozoa; -- called also Anthoid Mollusca.
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