Vocabulary : Momental to Momentum
Momental : Lasting but a moment; brief. ;; Important; momentous. ;; Of or pertaining to moment or momentum.
Momentally : For a moment.
Momentaneous : Alt. of Momentany
Momentany : Momentary.
Momentarily : Every moment; from moment to moment.
Momentariness : The state or quality of being momentary; shortness of duration.
Momentary : Done in a moment; continuing only a moment; lasting a very short time; as, a momentary pang.
Momently : For a moment. ;; In a moment; every moment; momentarily.
Momentous : Of moment or consequence; very important; weighty; as, a momentous decision; momentous affairs.
Momentum : The quantity of motion in a moving body, being always proportioned to the quantity of matter multiplied into the velocity; impetus. ;; Essential element, or constituent element.
: Momentums, Momier, Mommery, Momot, Momus, Mon, Mon-, Mona, Monachal, Monachism
: Molybdena, Molybdenite, Molybdenous, Molybdenum, Molybdic, Molybdite, Molybdous, Mome, Moment, Momenta
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary