Vocabulary : Monal to Monanthous
Monal : Any Asiatic pheasant of the genus Lophophorus, as the Impeyan pheasant.
Monamide : An amido compound with only one amido group.
Monamine : A basic compound containing one amido group; as, methyl amine is a monamine.
Monander : One of the Monandria.
Monandria : A Linnaean class of plants embracing those having but a single stamen.
Monandrian : Same as Monandrous.
Monandric : Of or pertaining to monandry; practicing monandry as a system of marriage.
Monandrous : Of or pertaining to the monandria; having but one stamen.
Monandry : The possession by a woman of only one husband at the same time; -- contrasted with polyandry.
Monanthous : Having but one flower; one-flowered.
: Monarch, Monarchal, Monarchess, Monarchial, Monarchian, Monarchic, Monarchical, Monarchies, Monarchism, Monarchist
: Monacid, Monad, Monadaria, Monadelphia, Monadelphian, Monadelphous, Monadic, Monadical, Monadiform, Monadology
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary