Vocabulary : Monitrix to Monkey's puzzle

Monitrix : A female monitor.
Monk : A man who retires from the ordinary temporal concerns of the world, and devotes himself to religion; one of a religious community of men inhabiting a monastery, and bound by vows to a life of chastity, obedience, and poverty. ;; A blotch or spot of ink on a printed page, caused by the ink not being properly distributed. It is distinguished from a friar, or white spot caused by a deficiency of ink. ;; A piece of tinder made of agaric, used in firing the powder hose or train of a mine. ;; A South American monkey (Pithecia monachus); also applied to other species, as Cebus xanthocephalus. ;; The European bullfinch.
Monkeries : of Monkery
Monkery : The life of monks; monastic life; monastic usage or customs; -- now usually applied by way of reproach. ;; A collective body of monks.
Monkey : In the most general sense, any one of the Quadrumana, including apes, baboons, and lemurs. ;; Any species of Quadrumana, except the lemurs. ;; Any one of numerous species of Quadrumana (esp. such as have a long tail and prehensile feet) exclusive of apes and baboons. ;; A term of disapproval, ridicule, or contempt, as for a mischievous child. ;; The weight or hammer of a pile driver, that is, a very heavy mass of iron, which, being raised on high, falls on the head of the pile, and drives it into the earth; the falling weight of a drop hammer used in forging. ;; A small trading vessel of the sixteenth century. ;; To act or treat as a monkey does; to ape; to act in a grotesque or meddlesome manner.
Monkey-bread : The fruit of the Adansonia digitata; also, the tree. See Adansonia.
Monkey-cup : See Nepenthes.
Monkey-pot : The fruit of two South American trees (Lecythis Ollaria, and L. Zabucajo), which have for their fruit large, pot-shaped, woody capsules containing delicious nuts, and opening almost explosively by a circular lid at the top. Vases and pots are made of this capsule.
Monkeys : of Monkey
Monkey's puzzle : A lofty coniferous Chilian tree (Araucaria imbricata), the branches of which are so crowded and intertwisted "as to puzzle a monkey to climb." The edible nuts are over an inch long, and are called pion by the Chilians.
Next : Monkeytail, Monkfish, Monkflower, Monkhood, Monking, Monkish, Monkly, Monk's seam, Monkshood, Mono
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