Vocabulary : Montoir to Moo

Montoir : A stone used in mounting a horse; a horse block.
Monton : A heap of ore; a mass undergoing the process of amalgamation.
Montre : A stop, usually the open diapason, having its pipes "shown" as part of the organ case, or otherwise specially mounted. ;; A hole in the wall of a pottery kiln, by which the state of the pieces within can be judged.
Montross : See Matross.
Montrue : That on which anything is mounted; a setting; hence, a saddle horse.
Monument : Something which stands, or remains, to keep in remembrance what is past; a memorial. ;; A building, pillar, stone, or the like, erected to preserve the remembrance of a person, event, action, etc.; as, the Washington monument; the Bunker Hill monument. Also, a tomb, with memorial inscriptions. ;; A stone or other permanent object, serving to indicate a limit or to mark a boundary. ;; A saying, deed, or example, worthy of record.
Monumental : Of, pertaining to, or suitable for, a monument; as, a monumental inscription. ;; Serving as a monument; memorial; preserving memory.
Monumentally : By way of memorial. ;; By means of monuments.
Monureid : Any one of a series of complex nitrogenous substances regarded as derived from one molecule of urea; as, alloxan is a monureid.
Moo : See Mo. ;; To make the noise of a cow; to low; -- child's word. ;; The lowing of a cow.
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