Vocabulary : Moralizer to Moravian
Moralizer : One who moralizes.
Moralizing : of Moralize
Morally : In a moral or ethical sense; according to the rules of morality. ;; According to moral rules; virtuously. ;; In moral qualities; in disposition and character; as, one who physically and morally endures hardships. ;; In a manner calculated to serve as the basis of action; according to the usual course of things and human judgment; according to reason and probability.
Morass : A tract of soft, wet ground; a marsh; a fen.
morassy : Marshy; fenny.
Morate : A salt of moric acid.
Moration : A delaying tarrying; delay.
Moratorium : A period during which an obligor has a legal right to delay meeting an obligation, esp. such a period granted, as to a bank, by a moratory law.
Moratory : Of or pertaining to delay; esp., designating a law passed, as in a time of financial panic, to postpone or delay for a period the time at which notes, bills of exchange, and other obligations, shall mature or become due.
Moravian : Of or pertaining to Moravia, or to the United Brethren. See Moravian, n. ;; One of a religious sect called the United Brethren (an offshoot of the Hussites in Bohemia), which formed a separate church of Moravia, a northern district of Austria, about the middle of the 15th century. After being nearly extirpated by persecution, the society, under the name of The Renewed Church of the United Brethren, was reestablished in 1722-35 on the estates of Count Zinzendorf in Saxony. Called also Herrnhuter.
: Moravianism, Moray, Morbid, Morbidezza, Morbidity, Morbidly, Morbidness, Morbific, Morbifical, Morbillous
: Moral, Morale, Moraler, Moralism, Moralist, Moralities, Morality, Moralization, Moralize, Moralized
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary