Vocabulary : Moril to Morioplasty
Moril : An edible fungus. Same as 1st Morel.
Morin : A yellow crystalline substance of acid properties extracted from fustic (Maclura tinctoria, formerly called Morus tinctoria); -- called also moric acid.
Morinda : A genus of rubiaceous trees and shrubs, mostly East Indian, many species of which yield valuable red and yellow dyes. The wood is hard and beautiful, and used for gunstocks.
Morindin : A yellow dyestuff extracted from the root bark of an East Indian plant (Morinda citrifolia).
Morinel : The dotterel.
Moringa : A genus of trees of Southern India and Northern Africa. One species (Moringa pterygosperma) is the horse-radish tree, and its seeds, as well as those of M. aptera, are known in commerce as ben or ben nuts, and yield the oil called oil of ben.
Moringic : Designating an organic acid obtained from oil of ben. See Moringa.
Morintannic : Pertaining to, or designating, a variety of tannic acid extracted from fustic (Maclura, formerly Morus, tinctoria) as a yellow crystalline substance; -- called also maclurin.
Morion : A kind of open helmet, without visor or beaver, and somewhat resembling a hat. ;; A dark variety of smoky quartz.
Morioplasty : The restoration of lost parts of the body.
: Morisco, Morisk, Morkin, Morland, Morling, Mormal, Mormo, Mormon, Mormondom, Mormonism
: Morglay, Morgue, Moria, Morian, Moribund, Moric, Morice, Morigerate, Morigeration, Morigerous
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary