Vocabulary : Moschatel to Moslings
Moschatel : A plant of the genus Adoxa (A. moschatellina), the flowers of which are pale green, and have a faint musky smell. It is found in woods in all parts of Europe, and is called also hollow root and musk crowfoot.
Moschine : Of or pertaining to Moschus, a genus including the musk deer.
Mosel : See Muzzle.
Moselle : A light wine, usually white, produced in the vicinity of the river Moselle.
Moses : A large flatboat, used in the West Indies for taking freight from shore to ship.
Mosey : To go, or move (in a certain manner); -- usually with out, off, along, etc.
Mosk : See Mosque.
Moslem : of Moslem ;; A Mussulman; an orthodox Mohammedan. [Written also muslim.] ;; Of or pertaining to the Mohammedans; Mohammedan; as, Moslem lands; the Moslem faith.
Moslems : of Moslem
Moslings : Thin shreds of leather shaved off in dressing skins.
: Mososaurus, Mosque, Mosquito, Mosquitoes, Moss, Mossback, Mossbanker, Mossbunker, Mossed, Moss-grown
: Morwening, Mos, Mosaic, Mosaical, Mosaically, Mosaism, Mosasaur, Mosasauria, Mosasaurian, Mosasaurus
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