Vocabulary : Mossiness to Mostly

Mossiness : The state of being mossy.
Mossing : of Moss
Mosstrooper : One of a class of marauders or bandits that formerly infested the border country between England and Scotland; -- so called in allusion to the mossy or boggy character of much of the border country.
Mossy : Overgrown with moss; abounding with or edged with moss; as, mossy trees; mossy streams. ;; Resembling moss; as, mossy green.
Most : Consisting of the greatest number or quantity; greater in number or quantity than all the rest; nearly all. ;; Greatest in degree; as, he has the most need of it. ;; Highest in rank; greatest. ;; In the greatest or highest degree.
Mostahiba : See Mustaiba.
Moste : imp. of Mote. ;; of Mot
Mostic : Alt. of Mostick
Mostick : A painter's maul-stick.
Mostly : For the greatest part; for the most part; chiefly; in the main.
Next : Mostra, Mostwhat, Mot, Motacil, Motation, Mote, Moted, Motet, Moth, Moth-eat
Previous : Mososaurus, Mosque, Mosquito, Mosquitoes, Moss, Mossback, Mossbanker, Mossbunker, Mossed, Moss-grown
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