Vocabulary : Mothen to Motherly

Mothen : Full of moths.
Mother : A female parent; especially, one of the human race; a woman who has borne a child. ;; That which has produced or nurtured anything; source of birth or origin; generatrix. ;; An old woman or matron. ;; The female superior or head of a religious house, as an abbess, etc. ;; Hysterical passion; hysteria. ;; Received by birth or from ancestors; native, natural; as, mother language; also acting the part, or having the place of a mother; producing others; originating. ;; To adopt as a son or daughter; to perform the duties of a mother to. ;; A film or membrane which is developed on the surface of fermented alcoholic liquids, such as vinegar, wine, etc., and acts as a means of conveying the oxygen of the air to the alcohol and other combustible principles of the liquid, thus leading to their oxidation. ;; To become like, or full of, mother, or thick matter, as vinegar.
Mothered : of Mother ;; Thick, like mother; viscid.
Motherhood : The state of being a mother; the character or office of a mother.
Mothering : of Mother ;; A rural custom in England, of visiting one's parents on Midlent Sunday, -- supposed to have been originally visiting the mother church to make offerings at the high altar.
Mother-in-law : The mother of one's husband or wife.
Motherland : The country of one's ancestors; -- same as fatherland.
Motherless : Destitute of a mother; having lost a mother; as, motherless children.
Motherliness : The state or quality of being motherly.
Motherly : Of or pertaining to a mother; like, or suitable for, a mother; tender; maternal; as, motherly authority, love, or care. ;; In a manner of a mother.
Next : Mother-naked, Mother-of-pearl, Mother-of-thyme, Mother's Day, Motherwort, Mothery, Moths, Mothy, Motif, Motific
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