Vocabulary : Motorman to Mottoed
Motorman : A man who controls a motor.
Motorpathic : Of or pertaining to motorpathy.
Motorpathy : Kinesiatrics.
Motory : Alt. of Motorial
Motte : A clump of trees in a prairie.
Mottle : To mark with spots of different color, or shades of color, as if stained; to spot; to maculate. ;; A mottled appearance.
Mottled : of Mottle ;; Marked with spots of different colors; variegated; spotted; as, mottled wood.
Mottling : of Mottle
Motto : A sentence, phrase, or word, forming part of an heraldic achievment. ;; A sentence, phrase, or word, prefixed to an essay, discourse, chapter, canto, or the like, suggestive of its subject matter; a short, suggestive expression of a guiding principle; a maxim.
Mottoed : Bearing or having a motto; as, a mottoed coat or device.
: Mottoes, Motty, Mouazzin, Mouchoir, Mouflon, Mought, Mouillation, Mouille, Mould, Mouldable
: Motor, Motor car, Motor cycle, Motor generator, Motorcar, Motorcycle, Motor-driven, Motorial, Motoring, Motorize
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary