Vocabulary : Mow to Moxa
Mow : A wry face. ;; To make mouths. ;; Same as Mew, a gull. ;; of Mow ;; May; can. ;; To cut down, as grass, with a scythe or machine. ;; To cut the grass from; as, to mow a meadow. ;; To cut down; to cause to fall in rows or masses, as in mowing grass; -- with down; as, a discharge of grapeshot mows down whole ranks of men. ;; To cut grass, etc., with a scythe, or with a machine; to cut grass for hay. ;; A heap or mass of hay or of sheaves of grain stowed in a barn. ;; The place in a barn where hay or grain in the sheaf is stowed. ;; To lay, as hay or sheaves of grain, in a heap or mass in a barn; to pile and stow away.
Mowburn : To heat and ferment in the mow, as hay when housed too green.
Mowe : of Mow ;; See 4th Mow. ;; See 1st & 2d Mow.
Mowed : of Mow ;; of Mow
Mowen : of Mow
Mower : One who, or that which, mows; a mowing machine; as, a lawn mower.
Mowing : of Mow ;; The act of one who, or the operation of that which, mows. ;; Land from which grass is cut; meadow land.
Mown : of Mow ;; Cut down by mowing, as grass; deprived of grass by mowing; as, a mown field.
Mowyer : A mower.
Moxa : A soft woolly mass prepared from the young leaves of Artemisia Chinensis, and used as a cautery by burning it on the skin; hence, any substance used in a like manner, as cotton impregnated with niter, amadou. ;; A plant from which this substance is obtained, esp. Artemisia Chinensis, and A. moxa.
: Moxie, Moya, Moyle, Mozarab, Mozarabic, Mozetta, Mozzetta, Muadlinism, Mucamide, Mucate
: Moved, Moveless, Movement, Movent, Mover, Movie, Moving, Moving picture, Movingly, Movingness
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary