Vocabulary : Muce to Mucific
Muce : See Muse, and Muset.
Mucedin : A yellowish white, amorphous, nitrogenous substance found in wheat, rye, etc., and resembling gluten; -- formerly called also mucin.
Much : Great in quantity; long in duration; as, much rain has fallen; much time. ;; Many in number. ;; High in rank or position. ;; A great quantity; a great deal; also, an indefinite quantity; as, you have as much as I. ;; A thing uncommon, wonderful, or noticeable; something considerable. ;; To a great degree or extent; greatly; abundantly; far; nearly.
Muchel : Much.
Muchkin : A liquid measure equal to four gills, or an imperial pint.
Muchness : Greatness; extent.
Muchwhat : Nearly; almost; much.
Mucic : Pertaining to, or derived from, gums and micilaginous substances; specif., denoting an acid obtained by the oxidation of gums, dulcite, etc., as a white crystalline substance isomeric with saccharic acid.
Mucid : Musty; moldy; slimy; mucous.
Mucific : Inducing or stimulating the secretion of mucus; blennogenous. ;; Secreting mucus.
: Muciform, Mucigen, Mucigenous, Mucilage, Mucilaginous, Mucin, Mucinogen, Muciparous, Mucivore, Muck
: Moxie, Moya, Moyle, Mozarab, Mozarabic, Mozetta, Mozzetta, Muadlinism, Mucamide, Mucate
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary