Vocabulary : Muddied to Muddy-headed

Muddied : of Muddy
Muddily : In a muddy manner; turbidly; without mixture; cloudily; obscurely; confusedly.
Muddiness : The condition or quality of being muddy; turbidness; foulness caused by mud, dirt, or sediment; as, the muddiness of a stream. ;; Obscurity or confusion, as in treatment of a subject; intellectual dullness.
Muddle : To make turbid, or muddy, as water. ;; To cloud or stupefy; to render stupid with liquor; to intoxicate partially. ;; To waste or misuse, as one does who is stupid or intoxicated. ;; To mix confusedly; to confuse; to make a mess of; as, to muddle matters; also, to perplex; to mystify. ;; To dabble in mud. ;; To think and act in a confused, aimless way. ;; A state of being turbid or confused; hence, intellectual cloudiness or dullness.
Muddled : of Muddle
Muddlehead : A stupid person.
Muddler : One who, or that which, muddles.
Muddling : of Muddle
Muddy : Abounding in mud; besmeared or dashed with mud; as, a muddy road or path; muddy boots. ;; Turbid with mud; as, muddy water. ;; Consisting of mud or earth; gross; impure. ;; Confused, as if turbid with mud; cloudy in mind; dull; stupid; also, immethodical; incoherent; vague. ;; Not clear or bright. ;; To soil with mud; to dirty; to render turbid. ;; Fig.: To cloud; to make dull or heavy.
Muddy-headed : Dull; stupid.
Next : Muddying, Muddy-mettled, Mudfish, Mudhole, Mudir, Mudsill, Mudsucker, Mudwall, Mudwort, Mue
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