Vocabulary : Mugiloid to Muharram
Mugiloid : Like or pertaining to the genus Mugil, or family Mugilidae.
Mugweed : A slender European weed (Galium Cruciata); -- called also crossweed.
Mugwort : A somewhat aromatic composite weed (Artemisia vulgaris), at one time used medicinally; -- called also motherwort.
Mugwump : A bolter from the Republican party in the national election of 1884; an Independent.
Mugwumpery : Alt. of Mugwumpism
Mugwumpism : The acts and views of the mugwumps.
Muhammadan : Alt. of Muhammedan
Muhammadanism : Mohammedanism.
Muhammedan : Mohammedan.
Muharram : The first month of the Mohammedan year. ;; A festival of the Shiah sect of the Mohammedans held during the first ten days of the month Mohurrum.
: Mulada, Mulattoes, Mulattress, Mulberries, Mulberry, Mulberry-faced, Mulch, Mulched, Mulching, Mulct
: Mugginess, Muggins, Muggish, Muggletonian, Muggur, Muggy, Mughouse, Mugiency, Mugient, Mugil
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary