Vocabulary : Multinucleated to Multiplicable
Multinucleated : Multinuclear.
Multiparous : Producing many, or more than one, at a birth.
Multipartite : Divided into many parts; having several parts.
Multiped : An insect having many feet, as a myriapod. ;; Having many feet.
Multiphase : Having many phases; ;; pertaining to, or designating, a generator producing, or any system conveying or utilizing, two or more waves of pressure, or electromotive force, not in phase with each other; polyphase.
Multiplane : Having several or many planes or plane surfaces; as, a multiplane kite. ;; An aeroplane with three or more superposed main planes.
Multiple : Containing more than once, or more than one; consisting of more than one; manifold; repeated many times; having several, or many, parts. ;; A quantity containing another quantity a number of times without a remainder.
Multiplex : Manifold; multiple.
Multipliable : Capable of being multiplied.
Multiplicable : Capable of being multiplied; multipliable.
: Multiplicand, Multiplicate, Multiplication, Multiplicative, Multiplicatively, Multiplicator, Multiplicious, Multiplicity, Multiplied, Multiplier
: Multiloquent, Multiloquous, Multiloquy, Multinodate, Multinodous, Multinomial, Multinominal, Multinominous, Multinuclear, Multinucleate
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary