Vocabulary : Multisect to Multititular
Multisect : Divided into many similar segments; -- said of an insect or myriapod.
Multiseptate : Divided into many chambers by partitions, as the pith of the pokeweed.
Multiserial : Arranged in many rows, or series, as the scales of a pine cone, or the leaves of the houseleek.
Multisiliquous : Having many pods or seed vessels.
Multisonous : Having many sounds, or sounding much.
Multispiral : Having numerous spiral coils round a center or nucleus; -- said of the opercula of certain shells.
Multistriate : Having many streaks.
Multisulcate : Having many furrows.
Multisyllable : A word of many syllables; a polysyllable.
Multititular : Having many titles.
: Multitubular, Multitude, Multitudinary, Multitudinous, Multivagant, Multivagous, Multivalence, Multivalent, Multivalve, Multivalvular
: Multiply, Multiplying, Multipolar, Multipotent, Multipresence, Multipresent, Multiradiate, Multiramified, Multiramose, Multiscious
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary