Vocabulary : Mummichog to Mummy
Mummichog : Any one of several species of small American cyprinodont fishes of the genus Fundulus, and of allied genera; the killifishes; -- called also minnow.
Mummied : of Mummy
Mummies : of Mummy
Mummification : The act of making a mummy.
Mummified : Converted into a mummy or a mummylike substance; having the appearance of a mummy; withered. ;; of Mummify
Mummiform : Having some resemblance to a mummy; -- in zoology, said of the pupae of certain insects.
Mummify : To embalm and dry as a mummy; to make into, or like, a mummy.
Mummifying : of Mummify
Mumming : of Mumm
Mummy : A dead body embalmed and dried after the manner of the ancient Egyptians; also, a body preserved, by any means, in a dry state, from the process of putrefaction. ;; Dried flesh of a mummy. ;; A gummy liquor that exudes from embalmed flesh when heated; -- formerly supposed to have magical and medicinal properties. ;; A brown color obtained from bitumen. See Mummy brown (below). ;; A sort of wax used in grafting, etc. ;; One whose affections and energies are withered. ;; To embalm; to mummify.
: Mummychog, Mummying, Mump, Mumped, Mumper, Mumping, Mumpish, Mumps, Mun, Munch
: Mumblenews, Mumbler, Mumbling, Mumbo Jumbo, Mum-chance, Mumm, Mummed, Mummer, Mummeries, Mummery
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary