Vocabulary : Municipally to Munity
Municipally : In a municipal relation or condition.
Munific : Munificent; liberal.
Munificate : To enrich.
Munificence : Means of defense; fortification. ;; The quality or state of being munificent; a giving or bestowing with extraordinary liberality; generous bounty; lavish generosity.
Munificent : Very liberal in giving or bestowing; lavish; as, a munificent benefactor.
Munify : To prepare for defense; to fortify.
Muniment : The act of supporting or defending. ;; That which supports or defends; stronghold; place or means of defense; munition; assistance. ;; A record; the evidences or writings whereby a man is enabled to defend the title to his estate; title deeds and papers.
Munite : To fortify; to strengthen.
Munition : Fortification; stronghold. ;; Whatever materials are used in war for defense or for annoying an enemy; ammunition; also, stores and provisions; military stores of all kinds.
Munity : Freedom; security; immunity.
: Munjeet, Munjistin, Munnerary, Munnerate, Munnion, Muntin, Munting, Muntjac, Muntz metal, Muraena
: Mungcorn, Mungo, Mungoos, Mungoose, Mungrel, Municipal, Municipalism, Municipalities, Municipality, Municipalize
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary