Vocabulary : Mused to Mushing

Mused : of Muse
Museful : Meditative; thoughtfully silent.
Museless : Unregardful of the Muses; disregarding the power of poetry; unpoetical.
Muser : One who muses.
Muset : A small hole or gap through which a wild animal passes; a muse.
Musette : A small bagpipe formerly in use, having a soft and sweet tone. ;; An air adapted to this instrument; also, a kind of rustic dance.
Museum : A repository or a collection of natural, scientific, or literary curiosities, or of works of art.
Mush : Meal (esp. Indian meal) boiled in water; hasty pudding; supawn. ;; To notch, cut, or indent, as cloth, with a stamp. ;; A march on foot, esp. across the snow with dogs; as, he had a long mush before him; -- also used attributively. ;; To travel on foot, esp. across the snow with dogs. ;; To cause to travel or journey. ;; To notch, cut, or indent, as cloth, with a stamp.
Mushed : of Mush
Mushing : of Mush
Next : Mushroom, Mushroom-headed, Mushy, Music, Music drama, Music hall, Musical, Musicale, Musically, Musicalness
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