Vocabulary : Myeloplaces to Mynchen

Myeloplaces : of Myeloplax
Myeloplax : One of the huge multinucleated cells found in the marrow of bone and occasionally in other parts; a giant cell. See Osteoclast.
Myeloplaxes : of Myeloplax
Mygale : A genus of very large hairy spiders having four lungs and only four spinnerets. They do not spin webs, but usually construct tubes in the earth, which are often furnished with a trapdoor. The South American bird spider (Mygale avicularia), and the crab spider, or matoutou (M. cancerides) are among the largest species. Some of the species are erroneously called tarantulas, as the Texas tarantula (M. Hentzii).
Myips : See Myope.
Mykiss : A salmon (Salmo mykiss, syn. S. purpuratus) marked with black spots and a red throat, found in most of the rivers from Alaska to the Colorado River, and in Siberia; -- called also black-spotted trout, cutthroat trout, and redthroat trout.
Mylodon : An extinct genus of large slothlike American edentates, allied to Megatherium.
Mylohyoid : Pertaining to, or in the region of, the lower jaw and the hyoid apparatus; as, the mylohyoid nerve.
Myna : Any one of numerous species of Asiatic starlings of the genera Acridotheres, Sturnopastor, Sturnia, Gracula, and allied genera. In habits they resemble the European starlings, and like them are often caged and taught to talk. See Hill myna, under Hill, and Mino bird.
Mynchen : A nun.
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