Vocabulary : Myomorpha to Myopy
Myomorpha : An extensive group of rodents which includes the rats, mice, jerboas, and many allied forms.
Myopathia : Any affection of the muscles or muscular system.
Myopathic : Of or pertaining to myopathia.
Myopathy : Same as Myopathia.
Myope : A person having myopy; a myops.
Myophan : A contractile striated layer found in the bodies and stems of certain Infusoria.
Myopia : Nearsightedness; shortsightedness; a condition of the eye in which the rays from distant object are brought to a focus before they reach the retina, and hence form an indistinct image; while the rays from very near objects are normally converged so as to produce a distinct image. It is corrected by the use of a concave lens.
Myopic : Pertaining to, or affected with, or characterized by, myopia; nearsighted.
Myopsis : The appearance of muscae volitantes. See Muscae volitantes, under Musca.
Myopy : Myopia.
: Myosin, Myosis, Myositic, Myositis, Myosotis, Myotic, Myotome, Myotomic, Myotomy, Myrcia
: Myoid, Myolemma, Myolin, Myologic, Myological, Myologist, Myology, Myoma, Myomancy, Myomorph
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary