Vocabulary : Navy blue to Nazarene
Navy blue : Prussian blue.Nawab : A deputy ruler or viceroy in India; also, a title given by courtesy to other persons of high rank in the East. ;; A rich, retired Anglo-Indian; a nabob.
Nawl : An awl.
Nay : No; -- a negative answer to a question asked, or a request made, now superseded by no. See Yes. ;; Not this merely, but also; not only so, but; -- used to mark the addition or substitution of a more explicit or more emphatic phrase. ;; Denial; refusal. ;; a negative vote; one who votes in the negative. ;; To refuse.
Nayaur : A specied of wild sheep (Ovis Hodgsonii), native of Nepaul and Thibet. It has a dorsal mane and a white ruff beneath the neck.