Vocabulary : Nereites to Neroli
Nereites : Fossil tracks of annelids.
Nereocystis : A genus of gigantic seaweeds.
Nerfling : The id.
Nerita : A genus of marine gastropods, mostly natives of warm climates.
Nerite : Any mollusk of the genus Nerita.
Neritina : A genus including numerous species of shells resembling Nerita in form. They mostly inhabit brackish water, and are often delicately tinted.
Nerka : The most important salmon of Alaska (Oncorhinchus nerka), ascending in spring most rivers and lakes from Alaska to Oregon, Washington, and Idaho; -- called also red salmon, redfish, blueback, and sawqui.
Nero : A Roman emperor notorius for debauchery and barbarous cruelty; hence, any profligate and cruel ruler or merciless tyrant.
Nero-antico : A beautiful black marble found in fragments among Roman ruins, and usually thought to have come from ancient Laconia.
Neroli : An essential oil obtained by distillation from the flowers of the orange. It has a strong odor, and is used in perfumery, etc.
: Neropteral, Nerre, Nervate, Nervation, Nerve, Nerved, Nerveless, Nervelessness, Nerve-shaken, Nervimotion
: Neptunicentric, Neptunist, Neptunium, Ner, Nere, Nereid, Nereides, Nereidian, Nereids, Nereis
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary