Vocabulary : Oxamidine to Oxen

Oxamidine : One of a series of bases containing the amido and the isonitroso groups united to the same carbon atom.
Oxanilate : A salt of oxanilic acid.
Oxanilic : Pertaining to, or derived from, oxalic acid and aniline; -- used to designate an acid obtained in white crystalline scales by heating these substances together.
Oxanilide : a white crystalline substance, resembling oxanilamide, obtained by heating aniline oxalate, and regarded as a double anilide of oxalic acid; -- called also diphenyl oxamide.
Oxanillamide : A white crystalline nitrogenous substance, obtained indirectly by the action of cyanogen on aniline, and regarded as an anilide of oxamic acid; -- called also phenyl oxamide.
Oxbane : A poisonous bulbous plant (Buphane toxicaria) of the Cape of Good Hope.
Oxbird : The dunlin. ;; The sanderling. ;; An African weaver bird (Textor alector).
Oxbiter : The cow blackbird.
Oxbow : A frame of wood, bent into the shape of the letter U, and embracing an ox's neck as a kind of collar, the upper ends passing through the bar of the yoke; also, anything so shaped, as a bend in a river.
Oxen : of Ox
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