Vocabulary : Puri to Purim

Puri : See Euxanthin.
Purification : The act of purifying; the act or operation of separating and removing from anything that which is impure or noxious, or heterogeneous or foreign to it; as, the purification of liquors, or of metals. ;; The act or operation of cleansing ceremonially, by removing any pollution or defilement. ;; A cleansing from guilt or the pollution of sin; the extinction of sinful desires, appetites, and inclinations.
Purificative : Having power to purify; tending to cleanse.
Purificator : One who, or that which, purifies; a purifier.
Purified : of Purify
Purifier : One who, or that which, purifies or cleanses; a cleanser; a refiner.
Puriform : In the form of pus.
Purify : To make pure or clear from material defilement, admixture, or imperfection; to free from extraneous or noxious matter; as, to purify liquors or metals; to purify the blood; to purify the air. ;; Hence, in figurative uses: (a) To free from guilt or moral defilement; as, to purify the heart. ;; To free from ceremonial or legal defilement. ;; To free from improprieties or barbarisms; as, to purify a language. ;; To grow or become pure or clear.
Purifying : of Purify
Purim : A Jewish festival, called also the Feast of Lots, instituted to commemorate the deliverance of the Jews from the machinations of Haman.
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