Vocabulary : Purloin to Purples

Purloin : To take or carry away for one's self; hence, to steal; to take by theft; to filch. ;; To practice theft; to steal.
Purloined : of Purloin
Purloiner : One who purloins.
Purloining : of Purloin
Purocoll : A yellow crystalline substance allied to pyrrol, obtained by the distillation of gelatin.
Purparty : A share, part, or portion of an estate allotted to a coparcener.
Purple : A color formed by, or resembling that formed by, a combination of the primary colors red and blue. ;; Cloth dyed a purple color, or a garment of such color; especially, a purple robe, worn as an emblem of rank or authority; specifically, the purple rode or mantle worn by Roman emperors as the emblem of imperial dignity; as, to put on the imperial purple. ;; Hence: Imperial sovereignty; royal rank, dignity, or favor; loosely and colloquially, any exalted station; great wealth. ;; A cardinalate. See Cardinal. ;; Any species of large butterflies, usually marked with purple or blue, of the genus Basilarchia (formerly Limenitis) as, the banded purple (B. arthemis). See Illust. under Ursula. ;; Any shell of the genus Purpura. ;; See Purpura. ;; A disease of wheat. Same as Earcockle. ;; Exhibiting or possessing the color called purple, much esteemed for its richness and beauty; of a deep red, or red and blue color; as, a purple robe. ;; Imperial; regal; -- so called from the color having been an emblem of imperial a
Purpled : of Purple
Purpleheart : A strong, durable, and elastic wood of a purplish color, obtained from several tropical American leguminous trees of the genus Copaifera (C. pubiflora, bracteata, and officinalis). Used for decorative veneering. See Copaiba.
Purples : of Purple
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