Vocabulary : Puzzlingly to Pycnodont

Puzzlingly : In a puzzling manner.
Puzzolan : Alt. of Puzzolana
Puzzolana : See Pozzuolana.
Pyaemia : Alt. of Pyemia ;; A form of blood poisoning produced by the absorption into the blood of morbid matters usually originating in a wound or local inflammation. It is characterized by the development of multiple abscesses throughout the body, and is attended with irregularly recurring chills, fever, profuse sweating, and exhaustion.
Pyaemic : Of or pertaining to pyaemia; of the nature of pyaemia.
Pycnaspidean : Having the posterior side of the tarsus covered with small irregular scales; -- said of certain birds.
Pycnidia : of Pycnidium
Pycnidium : In certain fungi, a flask-shaped cavity from the surface of the inner walls of which spores are produced.
Pycnite : A massive subcolumnar variety of topaz.
Pycnodont : Any fossil fish belonging to the Pycnodontini. They have numerous round, flat teeth, adapted for crushing.
Next : Pycnodontini, Pycnogonid, Pycnogonida, Pycnometer, Pycnostyle, Pye, Pyebald, Pyelitis, Pyemia, Pyet
Previous : Put-up, Puy, Puzzel, Puzzier, Puzzle, Puzzled, Puzzledom, Puzzle-headed, Puzzlement, Puzzling
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