Vocabulary : Pygal to Pygopod
Pygal : Situated in the region of the rump, or posterior end of the backbone; -- applied especially to the posterior median plates in the carapace of chelonians.
Pygarg : Alt. of Pygargus
Pygargus : A quadruped, probably the addax, an antelope having a white rump. ;; The female of the hen harrier. ;; The sea eagle.
Pygidia : of Pygidium
Pygidium : The caudal plate of trilobites, crustacean, and certain insects. See Illust. of Limulus and Trilobite.
Pygmean : Of or pertaining to a pygmy; resembling a pygmy or dwarf; dwarfish; very small.
Pygmies : of Pygmy
Pygmy : One of a race of Central Africans found chiefly in the great forests of the equatorial belt. They are the shortest of known races, the adults ranging from less than four to about five feet in stature. They are timid and shy, dwelling in the recesses of the forests. ;; Alt. of Pygmean ;; One of a fabulous race of dwarfs who waged war with the cranes, and were destroyed. ;; Hence, a short, insignificant person; a dwarf.
Pygobranchia : A division of opisthobranchiate mollusks having the branchiae in a wreath or group around the anal opening, as in the genus Doris.
Pygopod : One of the Pygopodes. ;; Any species of serpentiform lizards of the family Pygopodidae, which have rudimentary hind legs near the anal cleft, but lack fore legs.
: Pygopodous, Pygostyle, Pygropodes, Pyin, Pyjama, Pyjamas, Pykar, Pyla, Pylae, Pylagore
: Pycnodontini, Pycnogonid, Pycnogonida, Pycnometer, Pycnostyle, Pye, Pyebald, Pyelitis, Pyemia, Pyet
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary