Vocabulary : Pyrogallic to Pyrogravure

Pyrogallic : Pertaining to, derived from, or designating, an acid called pyrogallol. See Pyrogallol.
Pyrogallol : A phenol metameric with phloroglucin, obtained by the distillation of gallic acid as a poisonous white crystalline substance having acid properties, and hence called also pyrogallic acid. It is a strong reducer, and is used as a developer in photography and in the production of certain dyes.
Pyrogen : Electricity. ;; A poison separable from decomposed meat infusions, and supposed to be formed from albuminous matter through the agency of bacteria.
Pyrogenic : Producing heat; -- said of substances, as septic poisons, which elevate the temperature of the body and cause fever.
Pyrogenous : Produced by fire; igneous.
Pyrognostic : Of or pertaining to characters developed by the use of heat; pertaining to the characters of minerals when examined before the blowpipe; as, the pyrognostic characters of galena.
Pyrognostics : The characters of a mineral observed by the use of the blowpipe, as the degree of fusibility, flame coloration, etc.
Pyrograph : A production of pyrography.
Pyrography : A process of printing, ornamenting, or carving, by burning with heated instruments.
Pyrogravure : Pyrography; also, a design or picture made by pyrography.
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