Vocabulary : Pyrrhotite to Pythagoreanism

Pyrrhotite : A bronze-colored mineral, of metallic luster. It is a sulphide of iron, and is remarkable for being attracted by the magnet. Called also magnetic pyrites.
Pyrrol : A nitrogenous base found in coal tar, bone oil, and other distillates of organic substances, and also produced synthetically as a colorless liquid, C4H5N, having on odor like that of chloroform. It is the nucleus and origin of a large number of derivatives. So called because it colors a splinter of wood moistened with hydrochloric acid a deep red.
Pyrroline : A nitrogenous base, C4H7N, obtained as a colorless liquid by the reduction of pyrrol.
Pyrula : A genus of large marine gastropods. having a pear-shaped shell. It includes the fig-shells. See Illust. in Appendix.
Pyruric : Same as Pyrouric.
Pyrus : A genus of rosaceous trees and shrubs having pomes for fruit. It includes the apple, crab apple, pear, chokeberry, sorb, and mountain ash.
Pyruvic : Pertaining to, or designating, an acid (called also pyroracemic acid) obtained, as a liquid having a pungent odor, by the distillation of racemic acid.
Pyruvil : A complex nitrogenous compound obtained by heating together pyruvic acid and urea.
Pythagorean : Of or pertaining to Pythagoras (a Greek philosopher, born about 582 b. c.), or his philosophy. ;; A follower of Pythagoras; one of the school of philosophers founded by Pythagoras.
Pythagoreanism : The doctrines of Pythagoras or the Pythagoreans.
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