Vocabulary : Salangana to Salebrosity
Salangana : The salagane.
Salaried : Receiving a salary; paid by a salary; having a salary attached; as, a salaried officer; a salaried office. ;; of Salary
Salaries : of Salary
Salary : Saline ;; The recompense or consideration paid, or stipulated to be paid, to a person at regular intervals for services; fixed wages, as by the year, quarter, or month; stipend; hire. ;; To pay, or agree to pay, a salary to; to attach salary to; as, to salary a clerk; to salary a position.
Salarying : of Salary
Sale : See 1st Sallow. ;; The act of selling; the transfer of property, or a contract to transfer the ownership of property, from one person to another for a valuable consideration, or for a price in money. ;; Opportunity of selling; demand; market. ;; Public disposal to the highest bidder, or exposure of goods in market; auction.
Saleable : Alt. of Saleably
Saleably : See Salable, Salably, etc.
Saleb : See Salep.
Salebrosity : Roughness or ruggedness.
: Salebrous, Salep, Saleratus, Salesman, Salesmen, Saleswoman, Saleswomen, Salework, Salian, Saliant
: Salaeratus, Salagane, Salal-berry, Salam, Salamander, Salamandrina, Salamandrine, Salamandroid, Salamandroidea, Salamstone
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary