Vocabulary : Sangaree to Sanguifluous

Sangaree : Wine and water sweetened and spiced, -- a favorite West Indian drink.
Sang-froid : Freedom from agitation or excitement of mind; coolness in trying circumstances; indifference; calmness.
Sangiac : See Sanjak.
Sangraal : Alt. of Sangreal
Sangreal : See Holy Grail, under Grail.
Sangu : The Abyssinian ox (Bos / Bibos, Africanus), noted for the great length of its horns. It has a hump on its back.
Sanguiferous : Conveying blood; as, sanguiferous vessels, i. e., the arteries, veins, capillaries.
Sanguification : The production of blood; the conversion of the products of digestion into blood; hematosis.
Sanguifier : A producer of blood.
Sanguifluous : Flowing or running with blood.
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