Vocabulary : Sanhedrist to Sanitary
Sanhedrist : A member of the sanhedrin.
Sanhita : A collection of vedic hymns, songs, or verses, forming the first part of each Veda.
Sanicle : Any plant of the umbelliferous genus Sanicula, reputed to have healing powers.
Sanidine : A variety of orthoclase feldspar common in certain eruptive rocks, as trachyte; -- called also glassy feldspar.
Sanies : A thin, serous fluid commonly discharged from ulcers or foul wounds.
Sanious : Pertaining to sanies, or partaking of its nature and appearance; thin and serous, with a slight bloody tinge; as, the sanious matter of an ulcer. ;; Discharging sanies; as, a sanious ulcer.
Sanitarian : Of or pertaining to health, or the laws of health; sanitary. ;; An advocate of sanitary measures; one especially interested or versed in sanitary measures.
Sanitarist : A sanitarian.
Sanitarium : A health station or retreat; a sanatorium.
Sanitary : Of or pertaining to health; designed to secure or preserve health; relating to the preservation or restoration of health; hygienic; as, sanitary regulations. See the Note under Sanatory.
: Sanitation, Sanity, Sanjak, Sank, Sankha, Sankhya, Sannop, Sannup, Sanny, Sans
: Sanguineness, Sanguineous, sanguinity, Sanguinivorous, Sanguinolency, Sanguinolent, Sanguisuge, Sanguivorous, Sanhedrim, Sanhedrin
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary