Vocabulary : Sarcophagus to Sarcosin
Sarcophagus : A species of limestone used among the Greeks for making coffins, which was so called because it consumed within a few weeks the flesh of bodies deposited in it. It is otherwise called lapis Assius, or Assian stone, and is said to have been found at Assos, a city of Lycia. ;; A coffin or chest-shaped tomb of the kind of stone described above; hence, any stone coffin. ;; A stone shaped like a sarcophagus and placed by a grave as a memorial.
Sarcophaguses : of Sarcophagus
Sarcophagy : The practice of eating flesh.
Sarcophile : A flesh-eating animal, especially any one of the carnivorous marsupials.
Sarcoptes : A genus of parasitic mites including the itch mites.
Sarcoptid : Any species of the genus Sarcoptes and related genera of mites, comprising the itch mites and mange mites. ;; Of or pertaining to the itch mites.
Sarcorhamphi : A division of raptorial birds comprising the vultures.
Sarcosepta : of Sarcoseptum
Sarcoseptum : One of the mesenteries of an anthozoan.
Sarcosin : A crystalline nitrogenous substance, formed in the decomposition of creatin (one of the constituents of muscle tissue). Chemically, it is methyl glycocoll.
: Sarcosis, Sarcotic, Sarcous, Sarculation, Sard, Sardachate, Sardan, Sardel, Sardine, Sardinian
: Sarcological, Sarcology, Sarcoma, sarcomas, Sarcomata, Sarcomatous, Sarcophaga, Sarcophagan, Sarcophagi, Sarcophagous
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary