Vocabulary : Scandalized to Scandinavian
Scandalized : of Scandalize
Scandalizing : of Scandalize
Scandalous : Giving offense to the conscience or moral feelings; exciting reprobation; calling out condemnation. ;; Disgraceful to reputation; bringing shame or infamy; opprobrious; as, a scandalous crime or vice. ;; Defamatory; libelous; as, a scandalous story.
Scandalously : In a manner to give offense; shamefully. ;; With a disposition to impute immorality or wrong.
Scandalousness : Quality of being scandalous.
Scandalum magnatum : A defamatory speech or writing published to the injury of a person of dignity; -- usually abbreviated scan. mag.
Scandent : Climbing.
Scandia : A chemical earth, the oxide of scandium.
Scandic : Of or pertaining to scandium; derived from, or containing, scandium.
Scandinavian : Of or pertaining to Scandinavia, that is, Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. ;; A native or inhabitant of Scandinavia.
: Scandium, Scanned, Scanning, Scansion, Scansores, Scansorial, Scant, Scanted, Scantily, Scantiness
: Scamp, Scampavia, Scamper, Scampered, Scamperer, Scampering, Scampish, Scan, Scandal, Scandalize
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary