Vocabulary : Scrupled to Scrutineer
Scrupled : of Scruple
Scrupler : One who scruples.
Scrupulist : A scrupler.
Scrupulosity : The quality or state of being scruppulous; doubt; doubtfulness respecting decision or action; caution or tenderness from the far of doing wrong or ofending; nice regard to exactness and propierty; precision.
Scrupulous : Full ofscrupules; inclined to scruple; nicely doubtful; hesitating to determine or to act, from a fear of offending or of doing wrong. ;; Careful; cautious; exact; nice; as, scrupulous abstinence from labor; scrupulous performance of duties. ;; Given to making objections; captious. ;; Liable to be doubted; doubtful; nice.
Scrutable : Discoverable by scrutiny, inquiry, or critical examination.
Scrutation : Search; scrutiny.
Scrutator : One who scrutinizes; a close examiner or inquirer.
Scrutin de liste : Voting for a group of candidates for the same kind of office on one ticket or ballot, containing a list of them; -- the method, used in France, as from June, 1885, to Feb., 1889, in elections for the Chamber of Deputies, each elector voting for the candidates for the whole department in which he lived, as disting. from scrutin d'arrondissement (d/`r/N`d/s`m/N"), or voting by each elector for the candidate or candidates for his own arrondissement only.
Scrutineer : A scrutinizer; specifically, an examiner of votes, as at an election.
: Scrutinize, Scrutinized, Scrutinizer, Scrutinizing, Scrutinous, Scrutiny, Scrutoire, Scruze, Scry, Scud
: Scrubbing, Scrubboard, Scrubby, Scrubstone, Scruff, Scrummage, Scrumptious, Scrunch, Scruou-lize, Scruple
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary