Vocabulary : Sealer to Seamanship

Sealer : One who seals; especially, an officer whose duty it is to seal writs or instruments, to stamp weights and measures, or the like. ;; A mariner or a vessel engaged in the business of capturing seals.
Sealgh : Alt. of Selch
Sealing wax : A compound of the resinous materials, pigments, etc., used as a material for seals, as for letters, documents, etc.
Sealskin : The skin of a seal; the pelt of a seal prepared for use, esp. of the fur seal; also, a garment made of this material.
Seam : Grease; tallow; lard. ;; The fold or line formed by sewing together two pieces of cloth or leather. ;; Hence, a line of junction; a joint; a suture, as on a ship, a floor, or other structure; the line of union, or joint, of two boards, planks, metal plates, etc. ;; A thin layer or stratum; a narrow vein between two thicker strata; as, a seam of coal. ;; A line or depression left by a cut or wound; a scar; a cicatrix. ;; To form a seam upon or of; to join by sewing together; to unite. ;; To mark with something resembling a seam; to line; to scar. ;; To make the appearance of a seam in, as in knitting a stocking; hence, to knit with a certain stitch, like that in such knitting. ;; To become ridgy; to crack open. ;; A denomination of weight or measure. ;; The quantity of eight bushels of grain. ;; The quantity of 120 pounds of glass.
Sea-maid : The mermaid. ;; A sea nymph.
Sea-mail : A gull; the mew.
Seaman : A merman; the male of the mermaid. ;; One whose occupation is to assist in the management of ships at sea; a mariner; a sailor; -- applied both to officers and common mariners, but especially to the latter. Opposed to landman, or landsman.
Seamanlike : Having or showing the skill of a practical seaman.
Seamanship : The skill of a good seaman; the art, or skill in the art, of working a ship.
Next : Seamark, Seamed, Sea-mell, Seamen, Seaming, Seamless, Seamster, Seamstress, Seamstressy, Seamy
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