Vocabulary : Sebesten to Secede
Sebesten : The mucilaginous drupaceous fruit of two East Indian trees (Cordia Myxa, and C. latifolia), sometimes used medicinally in pectoral diseases.
Sebic : See Sebacic.
Sebiferous : Producing vegetable tallow. ;; Producing fat; sebaceous; as, the sebiferous, or sebaceous, glands.
Sebiparous : Same as Sebiferous.
Seborrhea : A morbidly increased discharge of sebaceous matter upon the skin; stearrhea.
Secale : A genus of cereal grasses including rye.
Secancy : A cutting; an intersection; as, the point of secancy of one line by another.
Secant : Cutting; divivding into two parts; as, a secant line. ;; A line that cuts another; especially, a straight line cutting a curve in two or more points. ;; A right line drawn from the center of a circle through one end of a circular arc, and terminated by a tangent drawn from the other end; the number expressing the ratio line of this line to the radius of the circle. See Trigonometrical function, under Function.
Secco : Dry.
Secede : To withdraw from fellowship, communion, or association; to separate one's self by a solemn act; to draw off; to retire; especially, to withdraw from a political or religious body.
: Seceded, Seceder, Seceding, Secern, Secerned, Secernent, Secerning, Secernment, Secess, Secession
: Seaware, Seaweed, Seawife, Seawives, Seaworthiness, Seaworthy, Sebaceous, Sebacic, Sebat, Sebate
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary