Vocabulary : Seethe to Segmental

Seethe : To decoct or prepare for food in hot liquid; to boil; as, to seethe flesh. ;; To be a state of ebullition or violent commotion; to be hot; to boil.
Seethed : of Seethe ;; of Seethe
Seether : A pot for boiling things; a boiler.
Seething : of Seethe
Seg : Sedge. ;; The gladen, and other species of Iris. ;; A castrated bull.
Segar : See Cigar.
Seggar : A case or holder made of fire clay, in which fine pottery is inclosed while baking in the kin.
Segge : The hedge sparrow.
Segment : One of the parts into which any body naturally separates or is divided; a part divided or cut off; a section; a portion; as, a segment of an orange; a segment of a compound or divided leaf. ;; A part cut off from a figure by a line or plane; especially, that part of a circle contained between a chord and an arc of that circle, or so much of the circle as is cut off by the chord; as, the segment acb in the Illustration. ;; A piece in the form of the sector of a circle, or part of a ring; as, the segment of a sectional fly wheel or flywheel rim. ;; A segment gear. ;; One of the cells or division formed by segmentation, as in egg cleavage or in fissiparous cell formation. ;; One of the divisions, rings, or joints into which many animal bodies are divided; a somite; a metamere; a somatome. ;; To divide or separate into parts in growth; to undergo segmentation, or cleavage, as in the segmentation of the ovum.
Segmental : Relating to, or being, a segment. ;; Of or pertaining to the segments of animals; as, a segmental duct; segmental papillae. ;; Of or pertaining to the segmental organs.
Next : Segmentation, Segmented, Segnitude, Segnity, Segno, Sego, Segregate, Segregated, Segregating, Segregation
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