Vocabulary : Selvagee to Semaphoric
Selvagee : A skein or hank of rope yarns wound round with yarns or marline, -- used for stoppers, straps, etc.
Selvas : Vast woodland plains of South America.
Selve : Self; same.
Selvedge : The edge of cloth which is woven in such a manner as to prevent raveling. ;; The edge plate of a lock, through which the bolt passes. ;; A layer of clay or decomposed rock along the wall of a vein. See Gouge, n., 4.
Selvedged : Having a selvage.
Selves : of Self ;; pl. of Self.
Sely : Silly.
Semaeostomata : A division of Discophora having large free mouth lobes. It includes Aurelia, and Pelagia. Called also Semeostoma. See Illustr. under Discophora, and Medusa.
Semaphore : A signal telegraph; an apparatus for giving signals by the disposition of lanterns, flags, oscillating arms, etc.
Semaphoric : Alt. of Semaphorical
: Semaphorical, Semaphorically, Semaphorist, Semasiology, Sematic, Sematology, Sematrope, Semblable, Semblably, Semblance
: Sell, Sellanders, Sellenders, Seller, Selling, Selters water, Seltzer water, Seltzo-gene, Selvage, Selvaged
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary