Vocabulary : Seminary to Seminist
Seminary : A piece of ground where seed is sown for producing plants for transplantation; a nursery; a seed plat. ;; Hence, the place or original stock whence anything is brought or produced. ;; A place of education, as a scool of a high grade, an academy, college, or university. ;; Seminal state. ;; Fig.: A seed bed; a source. ;; A Roman Catholic priest educated in a foreign seminary; a seminarist. ;; Belonging to seed; seminal.
Seminate : To sow; to spread; to propagate.
Seminated : of Seminate
Seminating : of Seminate
Semination : The act of sowing or spreading. ;; Natural dispersion of seeds.
Semined : Thickly covered or sown, as with seeds.
Seminiferous : Seed-bearing; producing seed; pertaining to, or connected with, the formation of semen; as, seminiferous cells or vesicles.
Seminific : Alt. of Semnifical
Seminification : Propagation from seed.
Seminist : A believer in the old theory that the newly created being is formed by the admixture of the seed of the male with the supposed seed of the female.
: Seminoles, Seminose, Seminude, Seminymph, Semioccasionally, Semiofficial, Semiography, Semiological, Semiologioal, Semiology
: Semimetallic, Semimonthly, Semimute, Semina, Seminal, Seminality, Seminar, Seminarian, Seminaries, Seminarist
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary