Vocabulary : Semipagan to Semipellucidity
Semipagan : Half pagan.
Semipalmate : Alt. of Semipalmated
Semipalmated : Having the anterior toes joined only part way down with a web; half-webbed; as, a semipalmate bird or foot. See Illust. k under Aves.
Semiparabola : One branch of a parabola, being terminated at the principal vertex of the curve.
Semiped : A half foot in poetry.
Semipedal : Containing a half foot.
Semi-Pelagian : A follower of John Cassianus, a French monk (died about 448), who modified the doctrines of Pelagius, by denying human merit, and maintaining the necessity of the Spirit's influence, while, on the other hand, he rejected the Augustinian doctrines of election, the inability of man to do good, and the certain perseverance of the saints. ;; Of or pertaining to the Semi-Pelagians, or their tenets.
Semi-Pelagianism : The doctrines or tenets of the Semi-Pelagians.
Semipellucid : Half clear, or imperfectly transparent; as, a semipellucid gem.
Semipellucidity : The qualiti or state of being imperfectly transparent.
: Semipenniform, Semiperspicuous, Semiphlogisticated, Semiplume, Semiprecious, Semiproof, Semiquadrate, Semiquartile, Semiquaver, Semiquintile
: Semiopacous, Semiopal, Semiopaque, Semiorbicular, Semiotic, Semiotics, Semious, Semioval, Semiovate, Semioxygenated
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary